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(CNN) For many Americans, the landmark social insurance programs known as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are the reason their parents have any chance of health care in their old age.

But for a growing number of people, these programs are threatened by Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Economists say the potential unraveling of these pillars of US government policy could drag down the US economy, but they also acknowledge that there isn’t a plausible alternative to the social insurance programs that already cover millions of Americans.

When Americans hear about “Obamacare” and the major expansions to those programs through the 2010 health reform law, the programs are often the first place they think of when asked to choose between “yes” and “no.”

And that’s what many in the GOP-led Congress and the Trump administration want to get rid of. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday outlined his party’s latest Obamacare repeal effort. A key component of that plan would be massive spending cuts to Medicaid.

“Medicaid’s a very important social program for helping the needy and vulnerable, and it’s a huge part of the Obamacare law,” Sen. Michael Bennet, a Democrat, told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in an interview airing Saturday on “Amanpour.” “But when you throw your hands up and say, ‘We don’t want to spend any money,’… when you make people’s health care decisions for them, you’re closing the door to something that’s even more disruptive.”

Mike Davis, director of the Health Care Cost Institute and a former health policy adviser to Sen. Ted Kennedy and the late Democratic Sen. John McCain, told CNN’s John Berman that Republicans’ aim is to get rid of the controversial individual mandate. That measure — which requires all Americans to have health insurance or pay a fine — is designed to help bring down the number of people covered by Medicaid, he said.

“When you see individuals say, ‘My neighbor’s health insurance is not working, I’m going to risk my health insurance,’ it’s because of the Affordable Care Act and the individual mandate,” he said.

“Medicaid has been proven to be cost-effective,” he added, and “I suspect that if we get rid of that program, what that means is that the ACA will